Saturday, January 18, 2014

Winter Outing

Monday was my mom's 92nd. birthday, she still lives on her own and with the exception of her sight she is in better health than many who are much younger. Mom's 90th. Birthday We had a family dinner on Sunday so on Monday I picked her up at her apartment and took her to lunch, since it was such a nice yet cloudy winter day we decided to drive out to the big lake (Lake Michigan) to see what was up with winter at the shore.  Before we even got out of town I had to stop at the dam since the swans were out.  It was hard to get a picture of them together as they seemed to want their own space that day.  Also taking a picture of something white on white isn't within my photo abilities either but this one was the best of the lot.

After a few more minutes of trying to get a good shot of the two beauties they finally moved a little closer to one another.

 We headed west over to Grand Haven after lunch to see the ice mounds at the lake.  I have to say this year they are not very impressive.  Normally they are much larger and go further out into the lake.  This is the pier at Grand Haven and one of my favorites in winter because of the bright red against the white snow.

What looks like the shore line in brown is really ice with beach sand blown over it during the winter.

So mom and I had a good day together and I can confirm that Lake Michigan is still there waiting for summer to return.

The Dedicated House
A Stroll Thru Life
Savvy Southern Style
Ivy & Elephants
Sweet Pea 


  1. Miss Char,
    So~o~o glad that your Mother is still able to be on her own at the young age of 90! Happy Birthday, dear one!!! Know you both enjoyed celebrating lunch with just the two of you!
    My Dad is now 91 1/2...still in his own home, but under the care of Home Health since October 2013.
    I adore your photos of the geese on the frozen ice!!! The red PoP against the white is stunning! Perhaps not the view you had wished for, but it beats our brown grass here on the Prairie. . .where, oh where is all our SNOW??? Today 56 degrees...I rest my case!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom! Lake Michigan is so pretty in winter. I'd love to see frozen waves for myself!

  3. Beautiful shots Char, Grand Haven is a great spot to get some good photography time in. Happy Birthday to you Mom. My gram is 94 and is officially blind now and still lives on her own. Strong women indeed.

  4. Well first, a big hearty Happy Birthday to your mom! Second, I love your photos, especially that one with the swans on the lake.

  5. Ice mounds!?! Yikes--I think they must be beautiful , but I am glad I live in the good ole South!

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mom!

    Oh my heavens, your photographs are just breathtaking!


  7. So beautiful, and wow congratulations on your Mom's 92nd birthday. I love the photos of the geese and the lighthouse. I love by Lake Michigan, but we don't have any lighthouses. I wanted to thank you for sharing at Sunday's Best, sorry for slow response, but I've been moving slower these days!


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