Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Than Frost on the Pumpkins

It is nearly 80 here in Michigan today and our last hope for warm sunshine until spring.  We have already had a light dusting of snow this month and more is predicted within the next week so today was the day.

There is nothing fancy about this tablescape but the shadows that the raising sun cast on my porch table this morning with just the pumpkins sitting on it inspired me to set one last table on the porch before winter.

The three pumpkins are faux pumpkins, I learned a big lesson a few years ago about using real pumpkins on a table when you can't monitor them everyday.  Lets just say I forgot a setting on the dining room table once and went on vacation and leave it at that.

My plates are from TJ's and have a wonderful fall acorn pattern on them that will take me up to Thanksgiving before I change them out.

To offset all the autumn colors I added a creamy painted bird house and a silver and cream five armed candelabra.

 So that's it my friends the last of the outdoor tablescapes for 2012 well unless I decide to do another snow scape like Lemonade in the Snow .



  1. Such a pretty Autumn setting. Your porch looks like a lovely place to enjoy a meal. Take care.

  2. It's all just beautiful:) Are your dishes a this years purchase? I know what you mean about real pumpkins. I did a photo shoot with a friends one year old, she wanted a pumpkin in the pic so we hauled on in from the porch. The baby tipped the pumpkin over and all this stinky goo ran out of it. It was horrible. We got a good laugh, but I won't do that again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just. Plain. Beautiful. I love those plates. I haven't seen anything that I love at our TJs lately. I would have loved them.

    I also *get* the faux pumpkin thing. I had an unfortunate experience myself. Oy. Just oy.

  5. LOve your tablescape! Your fake pumpkins really look much better than mine (but I have too learned they are easier to deal with over the season.)

  6. Char, Your dishes are oh so pretty! Love the acorn design on them. Yes, the weather was definitely wonderful last week~ today we had some light snow showers and it is cold and windy! Is winter here now? LOL We did have a wonderful outdoor party Sunday nite. The wind died down after being blustery all day and we had a humongous fire in the pit. No outdoor table setting though. We ate inside. I was too afraid we would get rained on! Stay warm~ Sue

  7. What a pretty table setting. I absolutely adore those dishes! They are so perfect for fall.

  8. Your plates are beautiful! Thanks for the tip on using real pumpkins, you do have to keep an eye on the tricky things, never know when they will start to spoil! Using a plate underneath might solve the problem.

  9. Excellent! I see you are another fellow Michigander! We had that warm up here last week too up in Traverse City! That cream and silver candelabra is neat- I've never seen that combo before! I like your acorn dishes! Good thing you got out there and did that when you did- The weather certainly has changed quickly!!

  10. Fabulous table! Love those gorgeous plates.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  11. Beautiful tablescape. I love that candelabra, fabulous piece. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  12. Such a pretty table! I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit when you have a chance.

    Susan and Bentley

  13. Going to check my pumpkin right now!!! I do love your dishes. Acorns and pinecones are probably my most favs for this time of year. Your photos are lovely and the table is charming. xo marlis

  14. Miss Char,
    I adore the natural elements of your tablescape and the acorn plates are perfect!!! That candlelabrais unique and exquisite! Now what did I miss about Lemonade in the Snow??? Guesss I'd better check that post and see! Have a blessed weekend, dear friend!!!

  15. Your photos are beautiful!

    Pink Leaf
    Have an enjoyable Saturday!

  16. It is really quite beautiful. Thank you for sharing. You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on in and pick up a feature button. Can't wait to see what you will bring to the party tomorrow. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  17. "The last porch table" -- love it! I'm amazed you still had temps of 80 way up north! We hit 92 last week -- crazy for November 1st! I love this table -- great mix of neutrals with the pumpkins and those pretty fall dishes. Yikes about finding out the hard way that faux pumpkins were the way to go!

  18. What a lovely table scape! The rich Autumn colors are gorgeous! Thank you! Our weather in Arkansas gets all kinds of tricky this time of year. We never really know what will happen! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  19. I love your pretty fall table..the light is gorgeous!
    Hope you are enjoying the fall season!
    Miss Bloomers


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