Monday, August 13, 2012

Organic Look for a Summer Table

For Sunday dinner this week I set the table to reflect some organic elements and also dishes that you wouldn't normally expect to see in August.  This simple little vignette was set at the end of the table rather than the center.  There were five of us for dinner and since the table seats ten I decided to offset the table settings to one end and then place my "centerpiece" at the other.  I started with a rustic looking urn with a simple green plant, next to that was a cement candle holder that has rusted over the years of being on the porch.  Also at this end of the table was a wicker water carafe.

To cover the table I used an organic looking tablecloth that I made last year from a paint drop cloth.  How To Drop Cloth Table Cloth.

 The salad I was serving was a chopped salad that required a small plate for serving.  These little dessert plates were the perfect size and the wicker holder were perfect for the look of the table.

For my place settings I decided to give a nod to the grilled turkey I was serving.  Each place setting was set with a wicker charger that were purchased at Nell Hill's a couple of years ago, on top of that I used my Thanksgiving Queen's turkey plates in brown which I picked up at TJ Maxx and the flatware is my Pottery Barn Maxfield Hotel pattern.  The tumblers were a find at a thrift store and keep the tables informal look.


After the table was set I decided I did need a little something in the center so I took a faux birds nest and placed it under a cloche.  The cloche was tall but it didn't obstruct the view over the table.  I love the little bird at the top.

Sunday dinner's menu was
Grilled Turkey
Sauerkraut and kielbasa stuffing
Chopped salad with dried cranberries and pecans
Grilled asparagas
Pepper Jack cheesey potatoes
Strawberry shortcake



  1. Miss Char- What a pretty natural looking table you have set there. Do you know I have never grilled turkey? xo Diana

  2. Char, It's so pretty and starting to look like Fall. Love the turkey place settings.

  3. Miss Char,
    I L O V E your tablescape! All those wonderful textures...even in your tumblers!!! Great minds...we recently made almost the same salad for our dinner group! I'm going back to see your "drop cloth" tablecloth "how to" as I have an idea floating around here on the Prairie and I need some additional inspiration! Thanks!

  4. Very, very cute! Such a lovely table!

    **I am stopping by from the Sunday Best Hop, have a lovely week!

  5. Your turkey china and those fabulous chargers made this table!!!

  6. Love all the natural elements here, and my favorite part of all is that wonderful set of chargers. I would love some like that.

    I also thought you were brilliant to whip out the turkey plates since you were having grilled turkey. I'm going to remember that. Turkey just shouldn't have to hide in the closet until *that* day!!

  7. The transfer ware looks so nice against the natural placemats - I like the contrasts of it! I like how well you used the textures. A very lovely table - don't you just love being retired! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

  8. I've never grileld a turkey but it sounds good! Great idea to off set the table so you don't have to move things to actually serve and eat!
    Cute idea using the turkey plates!
    I like the woven mats too...I just discovered Nell Hill's this year...I have to stay away from the website because I always find something I want!

  9. I love seeing you use your turkey plates "out of season". They look wonderful. I have bought the drop cloth but haven't used it yet. Hoping now that I can be as clever as you. It looks wonderful! Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  10. Turkey plates, now that's something different for little old me from New Zealand. Cheers

    PS I know you have probably been busy. Just a wee reminder that it would be great if you followed Carole's Chatter back. Cheers

  11. So beautiful~ thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

  12. Thanks so much for following Carole's Chatter. Have a super week.

  13. Very pretty your table! scusa, non sò molto bene l'inglese, ma spero potrai tradurre quello che ti stò scrivendo. Adoro il tuo blog, è veramente bello, complimenti!! Claudia da Roma, Italy!

  14. What a pretty table. I really love those dishes and have admired them often in the store. It really makes a pretty table. Thanks so much for visiting me.

  15. I have those same dishes from TJ and you know I have to have drop cloths everywhere in my home! What a pretty table... and I just loved your estate sale post. I feel like that as I am going through one. Like you, I don't go to many but when I do I can't help but think of the people who lived there and the stories behind the treasures for sale. I hope to see you next week at Art Prize! t.xoxo


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