Saturday, August 04, 2012

August Turkey Days

Here is a reminder of a post I did a couple of years ago.  With all the heat we've had this summer our grill has become our main source of cooking and who wouldn't love a grilled turkey months before turkey day?

Click Here for Instructions


  1. mouth is watering- that is the best looking grilled turkey I have ever seen! xo Diana

  2. I have never heard of grilling a turkey, do you do something to it to make sure it is cooked all the way through before throwing it on the grill?

  3. It's put on the grill without being pre-cooked. It will "bake" in the domed grill similar to an oven.

  4. This looks wonderful! Another bloggy buddy mentioned just yesterday that she's looking forward to fall and made a big early turkey feast-sounds good:@)

  5. I just pinned this so we can try it. My husband grills all the time and just about everything. We haven't grilled turkey before, though. Since I love turkey, I am definitely going to try it.

  6. Oh my goodness! I love this recipe! My husband will want to make this. And the saurkraut and kielbasa in the cavity is fabulous! Now this is a post that has the WOW factor! Thanks for sharing it at ON THE MENU MONDAY!

  7. You know, I just never think about cooking a whole turkey any other time except the holidays. But what a great idea, to cook it on the grill. And, I'm sure there are so many different things you can do with it.


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