Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Bag with a Tag

Well Debbie's winning entry  Name That Christmas Location is on its way to her beautiful home today.  I hope you enjoy your new Wisteria Bag and Tag Debbie.  Thanks again to all who entered.


  1. Oh my goodness.....she is so lucky! I love Wisteria!

  2. Lovely bag, wish I was smart enough to win it:( LOL

  3. Congrats to your winner! I am a lucky duck to have a beautiful bag like that from a very sweet lady! :-) Can you believe it's almost Christmas? Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Ahhhh!!! I can't believe I am so late getting here. I've been one big old whirling dervish.

    That is just WONDERFUL and I thank you so much. I can't wait to show it off!

    Merry, Merry Christmas and thanks!

  5. Cool way to use a monogram tag, Char...I'm bookmarking this for future reference, for sure!


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