Saturday, August 06, 2011

Five Minute Project

I've had this fold up piece of ironwork base for a long time, so long I don't remember what sat on it initially.  Whatever it was its long gone and consequently the bottom piece has just sat folded up and stored on the porch for a few years.  From time to time I would haul it out and put a big galvanized tub on it to hold beverages for a porch party but I knew it had a better purpose that I'd come up with someday.

A couple of weeks ago I was out treasure hunting at SA and I came across this beautiful large tray, its not vintage I think maybe it came from somewhere like Kirklands or something.  Anyway, for $1.99 it was mine and I knew I'd find a place for it somewhere.

Eureka!!!  With the base I had and the new tray I know had the makings for a side table for either in the house or on the porch.  The next task was how to marry the two pieces without making anything permanent in case I should change my mind later.  Big roll of eyes here.

The ever so useful loop tape only in this case what I had at home were the industrial strength (the only one I use) disks.  I took just one disk and cut it into quarters and the ironwork piece had small stems at the top to which I could adhere the tray.  One piece of each side of the loop take on each corner and I was in business.  Ahhhhh...that would be Izzy my rescue puppy trying to figure out if I had anything she could destroy at this particular moment.

I turned the tray upside down and centered the iron frame with the sticky loop tape on the top and pressed down until I felt it was secure.

And the finished product looks like this

The whole project including setting the little vignette from a couple of things I just grabbed off the porch to get the show took less than five minutes.  This was an embarrassingly simple project. 

Susan at Metamorphosis Monday
Kim at Wow Us Wednesday
Sherry at Open House Thursday
Cindy at Show and Tell Friday
Miss Mustard Seed at Furniture Friday
Courtney at Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Your table turned out great and thanks for the tour of the Antique show--they had some good "stuff" and interesting people!
    best, nadia

  2. I think you'll really enjoy this on the porch or inside of your home. This was well worth 5 min. of effort.

  3. Well, it may have been simple, but it is stunning. I love the two together and your vignette is beautiful too. Very creative. Hugs, Marty

  4. Simple project, but stunning have a good eye!

  5. Miss Char,
    You are one cleverly, talented lady, indeed! This is gorgeous!!!

  6. Char, They definitely compliment each other. Now you have a great side table.

  7. That was a great idea.. works perfectly.. grat fit.

  8. great job! so creative :)
    I'm your newest follower!

  9. Hi Miss Char!

    Well done! So pretty. I love your blog banner photo too! SOOOO creative.

    Pleas bring your creativity to the party ... consider helping with the Miracle Makeover Party next week for kids with cancer. For more stop by at

    love, kelee

  10. Ta Da!!! I love it and it's just perfect how that worked out.

  11. Brilliant idea, Char! Very smart to make it removable so you can change your mind. A woman's prerogative, of course. LOL

    I love your sunflowers in the prior post, too. PRETTY!!!

    I hope you will join up with a partner for Cherry Kay & my "Tables For Two" party in the fall.


  12. You have my compliments. How many times have I let some random component sit in my garage forEVER...and never do ANYthing with on the other hand actually followed through. Simple? Maybe. Ingenious? Definitely! Thanks for stopping by our posts for Tables for Two. Hope that you'll find a partner and join our party this fall! Such fun! Cherry Kay

  13. This is perfect!Great side table now! Looks like something you'd find at a department store! Love it

  14. Aren't you clever! Using the velcro was a great idea. The table is lovely. Nancy

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea.. and that is why we save stuff because one day it will come in handy! Great table. love it bunches. xo marlis

  16. looks fantabulous ! Char, you never fail to inspire!

  17. Aaaah! My kind of projects, easy and fast. Brilliant idea, Miss Char!...Christine

  18. Hey Char! Five minute projects are my favorite! Sometimes it just takes stopping long enough to think about something. You tend to do that very well. This turned out super cute! Five stars, girl! :)


  19. Oh that's my kind of project. The tray is beautiful and it makes such a nice little table with the iron base. Nicely done.
    Our Kirkland's closed near me. Did they all close?

  20. Char, I just dropped by again to say thank you for joining the Open House party this week! I hope you are having a great weekend.


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