Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Fun

I don't know about you but I'm struggling to keep up with blogging this summer.  I'm working on lots of projects and every day I see a new idea I want to implement so its been pretty slim pinkins here this summer in regards to blogging.

I was cleaning in the basement AGAIN the other day and came across this big rangle of hose that was left over from a wreath project a few years back.  Since I didn't have time to make something fabulous for these summer months on the front door I decided to make it about as simple as can be.  I tied off the hose with one of those electrical zip tie things, added a fabric bow and this is it for the next month or so.

I hope you are having a wonderful carefree summer this year too!


  1. That's so creative. I never would've thought of it!!

  2. I'm having trouble blogging too.
    Oh well... fall will be here soon enough.

    I love your creative use of that hose!!

  3. This is the best! I would have never thought of this but it's a brilliant idea. I bet now we're going to be seeing it all over blogland! Thanks for visiting my blog...have a great weekend!

  4. Hi there, Miss Char! You are the winner in my Pfaltzgraff dinnerware giveaway...eight place settings of Lido Beach dinnerware! Congratulations! Please send me your address and contact information at my email so that the nice people at Lifetime Brands and Pfaltzgraff can get them on their way to you! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  5. PS...Love that wreath idea! So simple and creative!

  6. Very clever. Congrats on winning the Pfaltzgraff dinnerware!

  7. Hi Char, that IS a great idea for your door! Love it! Oh my..I have been a pathetic blogger this summer. Glad I have some good company. ;)

    You WON Dishes???? What???? Congrats to you!! :) :) :)


  8. I am having trouble finding the time to blog too :) I think the hose idea is great for the summer.

  9. Aren't you so clever. Would never thought of that as a door wreath, but it does say summer.
    Thanks you so much, Char for visiting my blog. Hope to see you there again. I'll be back to see your tablescape using your new dishes.

  10. I love this!!! But wait,I am distracted by the fact that someone is telling you that you won dishes?!?!!? Didn't you just get your 30 day chip from DHA? Dish Hoarders Anonymous -


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