Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A Hair Cut and Service for Eight

Talk about a great promotion....A Hair Cut  & Service for Eight

What you say....she gets a hair cut and china!  What kind of salon does she go to and what's the address?  Well I must admit this isn't the "norm" for me but my dear hairdresser had a full set of china plus serving pieces that had been her mama's that she gave me when I went in for my last haircut.  Her mama had passed  last year, leaving behind a lifetime of home decorating items.  She had owned a gift store in our little town for many years and in her home were boxes of stock from the store that she just couldn't part with when she closed the store.

Its a very pretty rose pattern with greens and muted yellow and a delicate gold rim.  The only writing on the back is in Chinese so I have no idea who the manufacturer is.  

This was my dear mother in law's silver, it certainly isn't something that I would have picked out for myself but I love it because she gifted it to me.

I went to market this morning to pick up some sunflowers for the kitchen and stopped to buy a couple of little tussy mussy boquets for the bedrooms.  This silver holder is one that was gifted to me by my friend Sheila.

And the crystal was gifted to me by my friend Kathy, the full set had belonged to her mother.  It will go to my daughter in law (Kathy's daughter) when she finds the right piece to display it in.

I feel blessed to have friends and family who entrust me with their family treasures.

Joining Sherry at Open House Thursday
Susan at Tablescape Thursday
 Courtney at Feathered Nest Friday


  1. Those dishes are gorgeous. It is wonderful that you friends give you family heirlooms because they know that you'll treasure them.

  2. What a beautiful table setting! You have great friends.

  3. What a great gift to receive. Your table is beautiful. I love the silver holder and the lovely flowers.

  4. How gorgeous! Wish I had a hair stylisht like yours!

  5. Love the delicate pattern on those dishes... such a loving friend you have. And I love those vintage silver... thanks for sharing these treasured heirlooms with us. Visiting from Sherry's Open House party. Have a lovely evening!~Poppy

  6. Those are beautiful!!

    And the silver is exquisite!

  7. people say that fine china is becoming less and less popular, but I absolutely adore my Grandmother's china and love to use it. Yours is beautiful, and I love your silver also =)

  8. Lovely dishes and lovely friends.. You are a great caretaker of your friends most treasured items. I love the new china and the crystal with it is so beautiful. Your tussie mussie is to die for gorgeous. Many blessings, marlis

  9. Such wonderful gifts to treasure. You have displayed them beautifully. Ginger

  10. Such pretty dishes and fun to have a story to go with them!

  11. ♫♫ Lucky-Dog~Lucky-Dog ♫♫ That china is GORGEOUS & so is your tussy mussy holder! I adore elegant treasures such as you've been given & they're all the more special since they've come from dear friends.
    Beautifully presented, too!


  12. Thank you for visiting and your sweet comment.

    You truly are blessed to be surrounded by such beauty, both in the pieces you have been entrusted with and the hearts of those who entrusted you as keeper of these lovelies.

    Enjoy ..xo HHL

  13. This is a beautiful collection of pieces from friends and I do like your mil's silver! Everything works well together, even though you didn't pick the pieces out yourself! They must all know your taste! Linda

  14. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your gorgeous dishes so Beautiful, also how sweet your friends have give you family heirlooms sweet. I know you will always treasure them ~~~ Thanks so much for your comments so sweet of you.
    XXOO Diane

  15. That china is beautiful. How wonderful to have all those treasured pieces with memories behind them to use on your table. Dianne

  16. Your hairdresser was very generous gifting you those lovely dishes. The dishes look so nice on the silver the tussy mussy holder.

  17. My hairdresser doesn't spoil me like that! Very pretty dishes and tablescape.
    Stella B.

  18. You must live right Char! what gorgeous and thoughtful gifts. These people sure know you and your love for fine things.


  19. It's wonderful that you have so many good friends that entrust their special belongings to you, Char. Too bad you can't make it to the Horton's sale. It's a three hour drive for me so we're leaving early so we can shop while it's not so hot out! Enjoy your weekend and don't work too hard. ~ Sue

  20. that is a great post. I love the pretty dishes you are indeed lucky to get them from such a nice friend aybe some day I will have such pretty place settings ...One more boy (of four) to keep me going with paper plates and plastic...

  21. So pretty -- Love family heirlooms and entrusted treasures! You've set a gorgeous table.

  22. oh, now I see why I wasn't allowed a closer look at the china! :))

    it would have been in the back of Pearl headin' back to Georgia...

  23. You're one lucky lady... but I have a feeling you'll be putting them to good use!

    - The Tablecaper

  24. Beautiful elegant style! Love it. The silver holder is gorgeous! Stunning shots. Thanks for sharing:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  25. I can't think of anyone more deserving of such gifts!

  26. Char,
    What a precious gift...your friend's mother's dishes! She must know that you will treasure them! Your gifted silver flatware is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your gifts and how you obtained them with us!

  27. Aren't family treasures just always the very best! You're obviously a good steward of precious things. Thank you for sharing them. Cherry Kay

  28. Seriously? What a wonderful gift. I would love to have a set of such pretty dishes. I loved the silver tussy mussy with it too. That's one of my favorite looks on a table.

  29. You are obviously a good person to "gift" to because you want to take care of those lovely items. I've been trying to down-size and organize, but when I inherited quality items with sentimental value from my folks that nobody else wanted (like worn antique persian rugs), the "use it or lose it" rule went out the window! My thoughts on beautiful objects have overflowed onto my blog...I'm looking for a new hair stylist, by the way.
    best, nadia

  30. What a lovely story. The table is lovely but even more special because of the stories.

  31. Wow! What a nice hairdresser you have! And such lovely dishes! I love the tablescape you have created, too! Thanks for entering the giveaway! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  32. The silver is so pretty. The entire table is fetching. I envy all of you who do tablescaping as that is not in my skill set. ♥Olive

  33. How wonderful that you get to be the keeper of all of these treasures! Enjoy them. Sally

  34. Char, This table is so elegant! I love the china, what a treasure. How kind of your hairdresser!
    And putting the silver tussy-mussie vases on top of the plates sends this tablescape over-the-top! I love it all.

  35. you are one very fortunate person to have friends like this! I love the china even if you can't read what's on the back :)


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