Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some Enchanted Evening

I love movies, plays, concerts, ballet, the symphony and living a couple of hours from a major city I do get to enjoy all of these art forms often.  That said.......last Friday I nearly had to cry "uncle". 

A dear friend was called out of town for the weekend and asked if I would like their tickets to the traveling Broadway Series of South Pacific playing in our local city.  I jumped at the opportunity and picked up the tickets. I had planned to spend the weekend junking with a friend down near the state line so I called her and said plans had changed and for her to get in her car and come on up as we were going to dinner and the theater.

We had very good seats and settled in ready to enjoy a great musical.  Now, I'm not exactly a petite person and I do tend to lop over my assigned space a little when seating is tight...where are those cute little eye rolling icons when you need them?  Unfortunately my friend and I were sitting in the middle of a long row of loppers.  Needless to say there was a lot of lopping going on as we all tried to get comfortable.  My friend was able to move over one seat as there was a no show on her side and that gave all of us a little breathing room.  The curtain went up and we were all enthralled for about the first hour, at that time my ADD kicked in and I started to fidget.  At an hour and a half I was nearly ready to walk over the laps of the twenty or so people that sat between me and the exit.  Finally at two hours it was intermission and I was freed at last.  The lopper (is that a word, I think not?) to my left leaned over and said "are you season ticket holders"? This of course was "code" for please  tell me you'll not be here again for the next play.   I smiled and said no, my friends were called away and gave me their tickets.  This conversation went on for another sixty seconds as I assured her that the nice  lady who normally sat next to her and NEVER lopped over her assigned space would be back for the next performance.  She looked relieved and went back to speaking with her husband.

The play went on for nearly another hour after intermission and although I dearly loved the music and the performance I must admit that 3+ hours of anything short of a reclining seat and food service on a plane will not be in my future for sometime to come.


  1. As I am maturing (ahem...I like that term, so don't judge me!) I find myself less able to sit through prolonged performances regardless of the quality of said performance. LOL I thought it was just me...but I feel sure that my ADOSS (attention deficit...Oh, something shiney...) is just growing worse....

  2. I don't think I could watch ANYTHING (with the possible exception of my grandchildren) for three hours! ESPECIALLY if I were trapped in the middle of a row and tightly packed in! I wonder if they charge extra for aisle seats??


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