Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Purpose Old Door

A weary well used crafting door

I've had this door out in the garage for several years.  I've used it forever as a work table for painting pieces, garage sale tables, setting up my chop saw for wood projects, etc.

A couple of weeks ago I had an idea for a better use for it so I pulled it out of the garage and gave it a mini coat of paint.  I didn't want it painted a solid color, just enough to cover up some of the old paint splatters and give it a mottled look. The door had acquired over the years of projects a somewhat less than perfect finish and this effect seemed to give it a shabby look that was more fitting for my porch.     
I found just the place for the door on my porch, propped up on a long wall that gives me fits in regards to decorating.  Mr. Hubby has a BIG aversion over putting holes in the siding so I can't just pound in a nail and hang a mirror or piece of art there.  Anyway....the door propped up there has filled in the space and given me a nice filler without having to deal with Mr. Hubby's phobia of nails in the walls and without spending any additional funds.

I've used this wire basket on the front porch door in the spring for a few years with a nice arrangement of spring flowers.  Finally this year it was looking so sad I pulled everything out and just sat the basket aside.  After painting the door and placing it on the porch I decided I would just re purpose the basket again on a door, this time holding magazines.  I think I'll probably paint it either black or maybe do a rust effect on it but for right now its fine in its natural state.  So thinks the crow who sits on it.

 Between Naps on the Porch


  1. What a great idea! I love how you added the basket for magazines, and the crow is a fun and unexpected touch, too!

  2. I love the new look for your old door! The wire basket is such a great addition!
    Dee Dee

  3. you did a great finish on that door...I give it 2 thumbs up...and a big toe...


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