Sunday, July 22, 2007

My suitcase has gotten a little rest since my last post. I'm still traveling every chance I get but not as much for work which cuts into my side trips that I often take when working in the field. Its been a blessing of sorts as I'm always ready to travel but in doing so things at home can suffer. I started a project nearly a year ago in my living room, I am just now finishing it. I started this blog to keep track of my travels for myself as I'm not a world traveler but a person who tries to find enjoyment in any location. I've been very neglectful and unfortunately much is lost when trying to remember details of life's experiences. This weekend was a testament of how small experiences can lighten one's step just as much as a two week vacation sometimes. This weekend I spent with my friends Carroll, Joan, and RuthAnn at RuthAnn's summer home on the Pier Marquette river. They have a beautiful location right on the river and have family camping land across the dirt road (I can't remember when I last saw a dirt road) for family and friends. Ted and RuthAnn's nephews and their young families were camped across the road for the weekend and we were able to meet them and share a bonfire on Friday evening. We spent Friday in Ludington which is located on the shore of Lake Michigan. Cute little town with beautiful clean beaches and a wonderful old lighthouse. Joan and I huffed and puffed our way to the top of the lighthouse while Carroll and RuthAnn decided to watch from below. The view from the lighthouse was spectacular as the weather was clear and sunny. The lighthouses of Michigan are a treasure and most are still in use. This particular one has volunteers to answer any questions for you when you visit. The couple who were on their two week shift while we were there were from Minnesota. Very nice couple but not all that well informed about the area and the lighthouse. Joan mentioned that we have friends who spend two weeks volunteering at this particular lighthouse. They seemed to be thrilled to have a common bond with us. Back at RuthAnn's on Friday evening we enjoyed a campfire complete with smores!!!! These were no ordinary smores though, these young people make theirs with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Talk about a sugar overload, I think I will be making a trip to the dentist to counteract what that one smore must have done to my dental health. Saturday morning after devouring a bag of hot fresh donuts from the little store on the corner we were off to Pentwater. This is another cute town along the Michigan shores. Lots of little shops with wonderful gifts to take back to friends and family. I saw so many things I would like to share with some of my southern friends to enlighten them on the advantages of visiting their Yankee pal. Another wonderful pier and lighthouse and lots of shopping were the order of business for us. We ate outdoors at a little restaurant on the channel. Watching the boats of all shapes and sizes was a real treat. Seeing a couple of old refurbished Chris Craft wooden cruisers was a flash to the past of my childhood growing up on an inland lake. Silliness was the order of the day with all of us, we laughed until we couldn't see straight over the simplest of things like me sitting in the car waiting for the other three to get an ice cream, Carroll tries to open the door of the car which Joan had automatically locked when they ran across the street. I'm sitting in the car with all the windows down enjoying the day when the beautiful silence is assaulted by blaring alarms and flashing lights on the car. Just a silly little thing but one of those that memories are made of. Fortunately we were able to get the alarms silenced and be on our way before the police arrived! RuthAnn always says that the three of us are the sister's she never had. We are therapy for one another and our visits always end with hugs and promises for another get together. Yup, we'll head out again before the end of the year somewhere to enjoy another long weekend together and spend our therapy time together rather than on a shrink's couch.

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