Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Pinterest Pick

I saw this wonderful idea on Pinterest a few weeks back and knew immediately I had to take a stab at it.  click here.  My rendition is a little different because of  the space I wanted to use this idea in.  I have a post in my front yard that always holds a sign of some sort and I knew this one was perfect for this time of year.

We had a lot of snow fall in the month of November but by the time I got this project finished much of it had melted so this picture shows some of our winter yard with only a couple of inches of snow, not the 30+ we had the week before.  Timing is everything I guess, normally in the winter you wouldn't see the rod that is behind the sign because of snow. I had a couple of friends ask what it was for, the answer is to keep the sign from swinging wildly in the wind.

So...this is how I made my sign.

I was out scouting for something the right size to make my sign.  Eureka I found a brand new kitchen cupboard door at Habitat for $3.00  It was already painted white front and back with a coating that will hold up in our Michigan Christmas weather.

I used my Cricut to cut out the letters and snowflakes.  I applied them to the white door, they will be removed after the red and will leave the white letters you see above. I did a light sealer coat of white paint    over all the vinyl and door frame to help with bleeding in the next step.
This would provide the white lettering you see on the finished sign once the vinyl letters were removed.

Next was a coat of an exterior Red paint over everything but the outside frame.  This was applied right over the vinyl and the door.  It took two coats to cover the white with the red.

You can see the outline of the vinyl lettering under the red paint.  I let it dry overnight and then peeled the vinyl away leaving the white lettering underneath. Even with the white coat to seal the letters before applying the red there was way more bleeding of the red than I had expected.

I used a small brush and a little of the white paint to clean up the bleeding then used three coats of poly sealer to finish the project.

This is a great project concept and I think I'll do something similar for spring using my Cricut. I am in no way gifted with the ability to paint freehand so using the above process to make lettering that looks semi professional worked for me.  Stencils could also be used or if you have the gift of freehand this would be an easy project.


  1. That turned out so cute- love the idea! We've melted down here twice now and I'm good with that! Hope you are doing well and had a good Thanksgiving!

  2. I would most definitely copycat this! I really would love a cricut. I have all these wonderful notions in my head along with the stuff I want to copycat, and I just *need* one.

  3. Miss Char,
    I l o v e your sign and look forward to see what you create in the Spring, as well!!!


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