Monday, June 16, 2014

Six Months Later

This Father's Day was beyond a special one for our family.  Six months ago we had very little hope that Bruce would survive and yesterday on Father's Day I was able to take this picture of Bruce with our kids.  He's been home a week and is working on making a full recovery,

I am so blessed to have our family together and to have witnessed a miracle during the long winter of 2014.  Thank you for your prayers and emails during the past few months regarding Bruce's health.


  1. Oh, Miss Char. My eyes are full of tears of hope and joy for your family. God has certainly answered some prayers for you. Happy Father's Day to Bruce---a day late! xo Diana

  2. My heart just started kind of jumping when I saw the thumbnail for this post. I knew that he was supposed to be able to come home this month, and the fact that he got to be with his loving family for Father's Day is just wonderful!!

    How great is our God? I will be lifting a prayer of gratitude for this post from my prayer chair this morning.

  3. Miss Char,
    So~o~o glad that Bruce is doing better!!!
    I agree, that is reason for celebration at Grace & Favor, dear one!!! A Happy Belated Father's Day to Bruce!!!

  4. I've thought of you a few times and wondered how things were going. So good to see your husband is doing better. What a great family photo.

  5. Char I will always love seeing this picture and hearing of Bruce's miracle. Thank God for answered prayers and may God continue to show His hand in your family.


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