Saturday, May 31, 2014

Porch Table with Graphic

Last summer I painted the farm table on our porch to resemble a grain sack pattern. Here are the instructions for that part of the project.  Sometime in the fall when wondering around Hobby Lobby I came across a wall graphic kit that was marked down so far it was embarrassing so of course I grabbed it.  Then I sat it in the craft room sure that I would remember where it was when spring came and I could apply it to the farm table.  Well...I finally found it today and got to work on applying it to the table.  I'm happy with the finished look, this table is eight feet long so it really needed a little something more than just the grain sack treatment and I think this applique is a keeper.

This was all I needed to apply the applique.  Talk about simple.

The directions were very clear and took just a few minutes to complete.  This particular graphic came in two pieces, you have the option to cut it into more lines if you choose.

I couldn't get a shot of the whole graphic, its long, I've been out weeding in the heat all day and this is as good as it gets.  Not exactly a top notch attitude for presentation of a project but as my dear hubby would say "it is what it is".


  1. Miss Char,
    "It is what it is". . .and it's gorgeous, dear friend!!!
    I love the saying and know how precious time spent with those you love around the table, truly is, indeed!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Char I just LOVE this! I am so impressed always with the number of projects you find time to complete even while spending so much time caring for your recovering husband.

    Great job. It makes a beautiful addition to an already beautiful table.

  3. Oh my goodness, I can't believe this! I bought that same graphic because I wanted to put it on the wall in the kitchen. When I got it home, I started worrying that I already had too much on the wall where I wanted to put it. It has been sitting there ever since. I hadn't thought to put it on a piece of furniture. Now, you have my head thinking!

    This looks just fabulous, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  4. Well it’s been over three years and the graphic looks the same as the day I applied it. My porch is,covered but not enclosed so this has survived hot summers and freezing winters.


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