Friday, April 18, 2014

"Stop By" Easter Thank You

Our traditional Easter brunch has been set aside this year as my husband will spend the day in the hospital and therefore so will we.

I have been invited to a couple of homes for a "stop by" during the day and I needed to come up with a little thank you to leave behind.  I stopped at the floral supply and picked up little flowers to plant in some leftover bunny cups from last years Easter season.  How To Make Bunny Cups.

I plan to put them in clear plastic gift bags and tie with raffia on Sunday before I deliver them but today they are out on the deck enjoying our nice sunny day.



  1. Oh- so cute- lucky recipients. I am so sorry your hubby will be in the hospital for Easter. xo Diana

  2. Miss Char,
    Many times "Life" takes precedence over the pleasures one enjoys. These are lovely Easter "Thank You's".
    I'll be sending healing prayers your way for your sweet husband.
    Have a blessed Easter, dear friend.


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