Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Barn Door

We recently had a tree removed from our backyard, it was a giant sitting in our small backyard.  Threatening at every storm to make a large hole in the bedrooms on our second floor, finally this year we decided enough was enough.  It was painful to loose the shade it provided and to spend my new granite counter money to have it removed but its done.

You can see by the pile of mulch for lack of a better word left after the stump grinder was finished this wasn't a small job.  The pile of mulch was 10' across and in some areas 4' tall, as I said it was a BIG tree to have removed.

With the yard being so small and fenced in the tree company was only able to bring in one piece of equipment at a time, first the cherry picker to get the tree down which was a day and a half of work, then the chipper to clean up the zillions of branches, trucks to haul all the wood away and finally the stump grinder to finish the job over the next two days.  At times the branches were piled over 6' high all around the yard.  As you can see in the background the small fence that had housed my garden was hit and will be removed, a small casualty in comparison to what could have happened in such close quarters including damage to neighboring homes.

As we have begun to try and repair the back yard and flower gardens back there another casualty has come to a sad end.

This is one of the barn doors from our small barn that we built when we first moved into this house, it is over 25 years old and sits beside the road waiting for the trash haulers tomorrow.  When we moved and replaced the first barn I took one of the doors from the old barn and tried my hand at one stroke painting.  I took a  bunny that I had cut out of wood and placed him at the bottom in "the garden".  Over the years this poor door has stood tall in a side garden like a good garden soldier winter after winter, but no more.  Rotted and tired it sits waiting for someone to pick it up tonight to repair and reuse in their garden before the trash hauler gets to her tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by, I've been busy the month of July painting all the trim on the front of our house and I just haven't had much time for anything else.  Hopefully a couple of new projects will soon be finished and I can post something more interesting than a tree removal.


  1.'ve had a lot going on this summer, Char! I know you had to be sad to see that big, beautiful tree come down (not to mention your fence). I just commented to DH a few days ago that our neighbor's maple is getting awfully large & looms near our deck. I sure hope they have the same consideration that you guys showed for your neighbor's property!


  2. Miss Char,
    The Barn Door was adorable, dear friend!!!
    Trees can be wonderful, but also destructive! I know you've made the correct decision!!!
    Outdoor painting is an intense and lengthy process!
    I'll be watching for more news of your Summer soon!!!

  3. Well pooey, you lost two treasures at once. I know you did the right thing with both of them, though.

    That door is just flat adorable, and you need to replicate it with a new one. I love the "weed it and reep" thing. SO CUTE.

  4. It had to be done, but I'm sure you will miss having granite counter tops. Maybe in a year or two.

  5. We have a big tree that needs to be removed from our yard too. I agree I hate to spend the money but as you say it needs to be done. I love that barn door! Have great week, Laura

  6. That must have been a huge tree! We have a large one too it acts a giant umbrella in the yard, I'd bee sad it we lost it. I love the door, so cute! Thanks for sharing, Laura

  7. Wow that must have been a big tree. Sounds like it was quite a process you went through having it removed. Your old door was cute... Nothing lasts forever does it. The granite will come I'm sure, but I bet it was hard to spend the money that way..


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