Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Peat Pot Project for Easter

I like many of you am addicted interested in Pinterest and find fabulous ideas to use in my home.  The one I'm sharing today is so easy and I can't wait for the end results in a couple of weeks. 

These little gems can be used for many Easter projects and are just as simple as one, two three to make.  I did this project yesterday but because I decided to plant grass seed in them I won't actually have them finished for a week or two.  They are simple and super fast to make so if you need a craft project that doesn't take a long time this is a great one.

I stopped at our local farm supply store and picked up these cute little peat pots.  They had all different sizes and a couple of different shapes but I settled on these round four inch pots. They came in a package of 22 for $1.69

 I dry brushed them with AS paint to get them a rustic look and then applied a graphic I picked up off the internet, possibly from the Graphic Fairy.  For the graphic I taped a piece of white tissue paper to a regular piece of printer paper and ran them through my printer to get the bunny image. I cut around the outline of the graphic and then...

I applied the graphic to the pot with Mod Podge, the tissue paper sort of disappears into the the MP and you are left with just the image of the bunny.  I then put a thin coat of MP over the whole pot including the graphic.  I used two coats to get the look I was after.  

I decided to plant some rye grass seed in my pots to use as individual table decorations for a dinner I'll be hosting for the holiday. I used regular potting soil and some rye seed from our local hardware store.  It grows super fast and should be sprouting in just a few days. They're not much to look at right now but in a week or so the grass will be up and beginning to fill in the whole container.

 Because the peat pots have a whole in the bottom for water drainage I cut down some coffee filters to fit in the pots to allow the water to drain out but not the soil.   

One filter pushed into the bottom of each of the pots should do the trick of keeping all the soil in the pot and not washed down the drain.  

Sorry I don't have the finished product to show you today with the grass in full bloom but that would take some pre planning and I just am not that organized this month so I'll post a picture of the pots in a couple of weeks.  These would also be darling with Easter candy or forced bulbs for spring and I'm sure a dozen or so other uses too.



  1. Miss Char,
    I was just by to visit you yesterday! Hm~m~m...wonder what Miss Char is up to...haven't heard or seen from her lately? Then I open my blog and find this amazing new project!!! This sounds like such fun, dear friend!!!
    Great to see and hear from you!

  2. Miss Char- What a great idea about the coffee filters. I LOVE your sweet little peat pots- xo Diana

  3. Char, what a brilliant idea and they will look so darn cute when the grass sprouts. Thanks for sharing at the Cabin.

  4. Char, these are so adorable. I am going to try this. Thanks for the tutorial. Printing the graphic on tissue and using mod podge is a great idea. Visiting from Wow us Wed. Have a wonderful Wednesday! Love, Wanda

  5. This is so cute. I bought some of these peat pots, too, and haven't done anything with them yet. Would love to have you link this to What to do Weekends Party. Isn't this a cute project for a weekend? Thanks for showing how. Following also. Linda


  6. Miss Char, congrats on being featured over at StoneGable blog! This is a super cute project (and it looks inexpensive too). Thanks so much for sharing how you got this great look so easily. I usually grow grass for Easter decorations but the holiday has "snuck up on me" this year...no grass growing going on yet.

  7. Congratulations on your feature! I want to make these myself and hope to do so this weekend.

    I'm pinning this, too!

  8. These are great! I haven't tried printing on tissue paper yet, but think I will give it a try. I am hosting Easter this year and need something for my place settings!

  9. This is just the sweetest idea! Thank you for sharing.

    I love your blog - it's one of the best ones I read.

  10. Miss Char, I wanted to let you know that I featured you! Best wishes, Linda And the new linky is open and I'd love to see what ELSE you've been up to. I love your style.


  11. What a fabby idea, I have got to try it .... AND I love your graphic, off to Graphics Fairy to see if that's where you got it. Lovely!

  12. Hi--stopping by via Throwback Thursdays :) Love this idea! And it looks so easy--can't wait to try it. Love the idea of growing grass in them as well. Would enjoy seeing the finished product--did you ever post them with the grass growing?

  13. This is one of my favorite projects that you've posted. Thanks so much for sharing it with this weeks Throwback Thursday party.


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