Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Bike

This poor old bike has stood proud in my yard for many years.  Its been several different colors and the color for 2012 is lime green.  My time for decorating this holiday season is limited so I decided to keep it simple and just move the bike to the front yard, add a flood light, a mailbox and call it good.

UPDATE...It SNOWED this morning and the bike looks so much better and festive. 

The signage on the mailbox was done on my Cricut

I put a flameless candle in the basket of the bike, it has a time and comes on early in the evening. 
I have to admit that everything sure would look more festive with a little snow but for right now there isn't any in the forecast. 




  1. Cute yard display. I especially love the light in the basket.

  2. So cute, I love it and the green color is perfect for holiday decorating. May have to transform my pink bike.

  3. charming and love the color!

    hope you will find a moment to stop by and enter a giveaway i am hosting for followers (i hope you win!):

    happy weekend to you!


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Looked beautiful at the beginning but the addition of snow is terrific

  6. Oh my goodness! I can't even begin to tell you how adorable I think that is!

  7. That is the cutest thing ever! Love it :) and it looks so pretty with the snow on it.

  8. Love your bike!!!! Pinned it's cuteness:) Stop over. I posted Following your blog now. Follow me too!

  9. Love your bike. I never thought of adding a lantern to mine! Thanks for the great idea, Jean

  10. What a beautiful display. I LOVE the retro look and the color you chose is simply fabulous. Your picture jumped out at me a CCC Christmas party so I just had to take a look. I wish I had a bike like that too, but if I look hard enough, I might have my daughter's tricycle. If I do find it, I might do the same thing with it. Thanks for sharing!

  11. p.s. I'm so jealous of that snow! Please send some to central VA ;)

  12. Thanks for linking up Char, I just adore your bike. It is so cute as your header. Perfect winter choice.

  13. Oh, Char, that bike get up is just too sweet!

  14. So gorgeous and it will be featured at Wow tonight.

  15. I love love love this photo! so sweet...

  16. I love the bike! Such a cute idea.
    Happy Holidays. xx, Sherry

  17. That bike is completely awesome, love it! Add the snow and it's simply magical!!! I found your feature at Savvy Southern Style, thanks for sharing the awesomeness with us. Mary

  18. Can you spell FABULOUS?! I've got a turquoise painted bike outside just waiting for a treatment like this! Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting from Wow.

  19. I love the bike. When did you originally think of this? What a great idea! So clever.
    Have a Merry Christmas!


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