Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My friend Jennifer posted this recipe for REALLY good chocolate chips cookies so I had to give them a try.  I must say they really are good chocolate chip cookies...crisp on the outside and chewy gooey on the inside.  YUM.

I've got them wrapped for delivery to a couple of friends and the Veterans Home for the 4th.  I found these cute little heavy paper food containers at Hobby Lobby last week at 50% off.  Of course if you wait a week everything at HL becomes 50% off.  They are darling and just the right size to hold a dozen cookies.

This gives you a little better look at the inside of the container which is navy with white stars.  I think they would be fantastic for a 4th. of July hotdog roast to hold a hotdog and hand full of chips.

Here is the link to the recipe from the blog my friend found these little gems on Chocolate Chip Cookies

I doubled the recipe when I made them, followed the directions to the letter including reducing the oven temp. etc.  I have to tell you that at least with my oven when I reduced it from 375 to 325 as the directions said the lowest my oven got during the additional ten minutes baking time with 355 so with the last batch I just put them in at 350 for the 18 minutes total baking time and they came out just the same.  I do have to say that chilling the the dough prior to baking was a great idea in slowing down the baking process and keeping them chewy on the inside.


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