Monday, April 09, 2012

Bucket Lists

Do you have a bucket list?  Places to see, things to experience, commitments to fulfill.  My bucket list seems to grow longer every year and one of the items on it had sat dormant for far too long a time and that was lending a helping hand to Habitat for Humanity. Then there it was one Sunday a few years ago a notice in our church bulletin about a possible mission trip to New Orleans to help with the Katrina recovery. It couldn't have been any clearer what the "message" was if it had been pasted on my forehead. I was still working at the time but decided right there and then that it was time to get off the bucket and actually fulfill this dream.  I attended the church meeting, signed up and cleared the time from my calendar at work. 

So for the past three years I have gone to NOLA each spring with a wonderful group of church friends from Michigan, Virginia and North Carolina.  The results have been homes for those in need and wonderful friendships with people I would otherwise never have met.  What I have received in lending a helping hand far exceeds what  I have given which is usually the case when a person volunteers. 

This is the home a group of us were adding the finishing touches to this year. This home will house a 29 year old mother who has put herself through college and grad school and her four children. 

Our group is large enough to be split between two homes that were under construction.  This group did both the inside and outside finish work on this home.

At the other site a couple of blocks away another eleven people from our group were digging the foundation for a new home.  They were digging by HAND the start of another person's dream.     

I arrived home in time to spend Easter with my family in the comfort of our homes knowing that my bucket list is a little lighter and next year a couple of deserving families will have Easter in their new homes.



  1. You can't beat checking something off of your bucket list and helping someone else at the same time.

  2. Great post Char, I bet you feel so accomplished getting that off your list. One of my friends daughters, went on that same trip. Bless you for doing such a wonderful thing for families in need:)

  3. What a good person you are, Miss Char. How wonderful that you are giving back some of the riches God has bestowed on you. You are an inspiration. I am sure that young mother is going to be over the moon to be blessed with such a wonderful home to call her own. xo Diana

  4. Love that you did this! Such a wonderful cause! Hope you had a fabulous Easter!...hugs...Debbie

  5. Char,
    What an amazing 'bucket list'!!!
    Mine involves simpler things...who knows...someday we may read ..."this is the house that Char built"! Great blessings to your purposeful work, dear friend!

  6. Awesome job... thanks for the pictures of your group's work! Jeannine

  7. What a great thing to have on a bucket list... and how wonderful of you to lend a hand!

  8. What a wonderful mission. My younger daughter has done a New Orleans one, too. Such a physical and SPIRITUAL need there.

  9. Isn't it such a blessing to build a house for A Habitat family. My sister and I worked through the entire sweat equity process with my mama's care giver for her Habitat home. Them we worked on the crew that actually built her home. It was a thrilling opportunity. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. CherryKay

  10. Hi Char, thanks for stopping by and visiting.

    What an inspiring post! So many times we think about projects, but bravo to you for following through. Habitat is such a worthwhile organization and you have certainly helped to brighten lives!

  11. Bless you, Char, for all the wonderful work you do, Honey! I am so impressed & grateful that there are people like you in this world.

    You sure have gotten around lately...Ohio, NO, Arkansas & now back home! Whew! I'd be exhausted.

    Get some REST, K?


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