Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pretty in Pink French Macarons

Show and Tell FridayI was in Chicago this weekend to take a pastry class with my daughter in the art of making French Macarons.  I can tell you its not for sissy's.  I'll post later on the class itself but for today I've decided to post a few pictures of the results.  Lets just say I was at the bottom of the class when measuring the success of the "feet" of the macarons. My daughter on the other hand took home beautiful macarons with perfect "feet".

As you can see I did achieve baby "feet" so my efforts were not totally without merit.

I filled my macarons with passion fruit gauche that the instructor provided, I can tell you it was to die for.

You can see from this box of macarons that I did do a few with a strawberry gauche too.  The instructors business was called Sweet Spot.  She had a storefront and a mobile truck that she used during the summer months downtown in Chicago.  Unfortunately she found that trying to raise a two year old and run two locations of her business was just too much.  As luck would have it she decided to teach classes instead.

So I consider this class a success and I'll be giving the French another go at it in a couple of weeks.  The instructor did tell us that making Italian macarons is easier as they are more stable when being mixed.

Marty's Cloche Party
Winter Blues Wednesday
WOW us Wednesday
Open House Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Inspiration Friday
Pink Saturday 


  1. Those look amazing! I have never tried to make them because I always thought they were a bit scary. I guess I was right! You did a great job and what a fun class that must have been. xo Diana

  2. Looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing Joann Come and follow me back

  3. Oh my they look soooooooo good and so pretty in the cloche. The vignette is so pretty and the bunny is cute, cute, cute. Thanks for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  4. They look yummy, and perfect to me.

  5. Those look so good. Love your cloche too. I hope you will link up to my party tonight at 8pm EST. Hope to see you there.

  6. Oh, they look delicious! I probably will never even attempt something like that so thank God for bakers and their bakeries. My pay grade is just a half step above brownie.

  7. Wow! I'm super impressed! Those look fantastic. Nice work.

  8. Those look delish, wish I had one...maybe two, lol! I love the way you display them in the cloche too. I just followed you, hope you come by and follow back. Happy St. Patty's!

  9. WEll I think they look amazing. And after the first bite, who would even care about feet!! xo marlis

  10. those look absolutely delicious and I wish I had one right now. Congrats on your first time creating them!

  11. I fell in love with macarons after visiting Paris in October. For Christmas my hubby bought me a book on making them. I haven't ventured to try it yet, as it is hard to even find th ingredients! Yours are just gorgeous, as are your daughter's. What a fun class! I'm going to get my book out again. Happy Pink St. Patrick's Day Saturday. ~Marti

  12. Some time soon, maybe next week, I plan to go to Laduree, the famous french pastry shop, here in NYC and buy myself some macarons. My sister bought me some for my birthday last year and I feel in love with them. I don't think I even want to learn how to make them for fear I'd be eating them all the time.

  13. Hi Char,

    Well, I'm impressed! I've never tried making either Italian OR French Macaroons.
    I know you must have had fun baking along side your DD. Mine is too busy raising 3 kids to do that sort of thing right now. Maybe someday....



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