Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter's Table

We have been blessed with a very mild winter here in Michigan this year.  I think we've only used the snow blower twice all season which is remarkable.  Anyway...I decided to have a few friends over for a light supper on Sunday evening and the table was set for winter, the fireplace was warming the room and the food was casual and comforting.

The table was set with a winter white tablecloth and white linen napkins.  I found a bolt of faux fur in the ribbon section at Michael's and decided to make napkin rings out of it.  One  quick seam down the back and I had instant charm for the table.  For a take home thank you I made little silverware bobbles for each of the guests click here and tucked it into the napkin.

I had planned to do an arrangement of white tulips in this ironstone soup tureen but the florist had only two bunches of pink ones when I went there on Saturday so I when with plan B and plopped a fresh plant into the tureen.  The green leaves actually gave a little punch of color to the otherwise all white table.

No crystal for this casual table, I went with my old standby for winter the old Arby's winter goblets and water glasses I found at SA last week for a dollar each. Each place setting had a total of $2.00 worth of glassware click here for Arby's story.

I used my PB flatware along with my Palm Restaurant plates that I purchased at Home Goods.

 We finished a simple dinner with a simple dessert, individual apple pies.

 It was a wonderful evening with friends that I don't get to see often, I was grateful that each of them were there to share a lovely Sunday evening with me.

Tabletop Tuesday
WOW us Wednesday
 Open House Thursday
Tablescape Thursday
Feathered Nest Friday
Show and Tell Friday 


  1. What a lovely table! The addition of the fur napkin rings and the wonderful silver pieces really turned up the WOW factor! Thanks for the tutorial you linked to, too -- so clever!

  2. Miss Char,
    Lovely Winter table. The fur napkin rings remind me of little fur muffs! So charming!The green leaves on your plant are definitely a pop of color! Gorgeous as a centerpiece! Those individual apple pies look delicious and comforting! Spending time with friends...priceless! Thanks for sharing.

  3. The table looks just perfect. I sure could go for one of those apple pies. Since Michigan's winter was crappy this year, I am so ready for Spring:)

  4. Hi,
    The idea of the faux fur is absolutely stunning.

    Love all your flatwares..

    Happy TTT,

  5. Honestly, I think you create the most beautiful tablescapes ever. Love your winter table!

  6. Your table settings are always original. Love the idea of the fur napkin rings. And the silverware baubles are cool--I gotta try that!
    best, nadia

  7. Your table setting is delightful. This is proof you don't have to spend a lot of money to have nice things. You are right about the green leaves adding a nice contrast. Beautifully done!

  8. Absolutely beautiful table. Those fur napkin rings are so creative!! Pinning that idea for sure!

  9. Well just how did I miss this??? I love the look and the "feel" of this table. So elegant but yet warm. You are so good at this tablescape stuff Char. Love the centerpiece and container too.

    You get an A+ in my book...oh yeah and a purple ribbon at the fair! :)

  10. Gosh, I would have LOVED to sit & enjoy a meal at your lovely table, Char! Those little pies are adorable & I swear, anytime you made something tiny & individual for a person, it just seems so much more special.
    Love your little spoon handle bobbles.


  11. You totally had me with the napkin rings. I just plain LOVE that. It gives the whole table a warm and enchanting feeling. They look like napkin muffs! I'm actually glad you couldn't get the white tulips because the green plant is perfect there.

    I had being so late getting here. I'm sick of computer issues.

  12. a white cyclamen is one of my favourite all time plants...just quietly beautiful...p.s. WTH? mini-apples pies? why is there always pie when I'm not around? heifer...


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