Saturday, January 21, 2012

C. Crawford Hollidge of Boston

I picked up a small piece of furniture a few weeks ago that I'm going to use in one of the guest rooms for a small wardrobe for visitors.  Since we don't have walk in closets in this house closets are at a premium and bulging with clothes therefore leaving no room when guests arrive.  This small piece will hold some clothes in the five small drawers and then hanging pieces in the wardrobe side.  I think it must have been made for a child's room just by the size of it. 

The manufacture is C. Crawford Hollidge, I've done a little research on this and found it was a department store in Boston.  This piece is by no means a fine piece of furniture but is unusual and I can't wait for the paint to dry so I can "present it to the room".  I'll have a picture of the finished piece in the next day or so, I didn't see any need to do one more tutorial on painting furniture so I've skipped all the before pictures and will just show the after. 

I'm thinking about using some wallpaper in the interior of the drawers and to line the hanging wardrobe and it needs some new knobs so I'm off shopping this afternoon to see what I can find.  If you know anything about this company and or its furniture I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Can't wait to see your finished piece. I hope you got at least ONE before picture~ xo Diana

  2. Miss Char,
    Seems NO house has enough closet or storage space these days! I'm anxious to see what you've found for guest wardrobe and storage! I'll be back soon, dear friend!

  3. Oh from what you describe, it sounds like a vintage dresser. There were not large, but people were smaller and didn't have as many pieces. You've given me a perfect idea... thanks.. xo marlis

  4. Sounds pretty, Char! Can't wait to see! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie


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