Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shopping for Blog Friends

A couple of months ago I was looking on a local online site that resells vintage treasures and found a small bedside lamp with a Fox Hunt scene on the base.  I immediately thought of my friend   Donna from Designs on 47th. Street.  She is a sweet friend and although we live several states apart we do get to see one another from time to time.  Anyway....Donna has done her fabulous family room with a Ralph Lauren Hunt Club look, you'll have to check her blog to see how well its coming along and I knew this lamp would be a nice addition.  I sent her a picture and the lamp now resides in her home.  I'm often reminded of a blogger friend and their personal style when out looking for treasures, do you do that too?

Recently I was in a resale store and found some fabulous dessert plates I thought Donna might like. I sent her some pictures and although they weren't exactly what she was looking for it still warmed my heart that with the speed and ability of the internet I could send pictures of the plates off to Donna while I was still in the store.

 This was the one that Donna really liked but out of the six plates they were offering there was only this one with an actual hunt scene on it.  The others were more of village scenes either before or after the hunt.  Reminded me of the hunt scene from Downton Abbey.


  After much consideration Donna decided to pass on the plates but all is not lost...they now reside in my home and I'll use them soon not as individual dessert plates but to hold samples of small finger desserts for the holidays.


  1. Love the new plates, Char. I also see things all the time that remind me of other blogger's homes. It was sweet of you to think of your friend when shopping.

  2. The plate enabler strikes again...and this time gets to keep the prize!!

  3. How wonderful that you think of friends while shopping. I do love those little plates and think they will be perfect servers. I will pop over and look at her place. xo Diana

  4. Love them! They do indeed remind me of Donna!


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