Monday, October 03, 2011

Harvest Festival Bake Sale

Our church did a bake sale at our local Harvest Festival this weekend.  It was cool but sunny and we did very well.  This particular sale helped to raise funds for a Mission Trip to New Orleans each year where we work with Habitat for Humanity rebuilding homes post Katrina. 

This is Susan who is from New Orleans originally and myself just as we were getting started with the sale.  Susan still has family in NOLA and each year when we're down there building they provide us with a wonderful Friday Night NOLA meal.

When we were at church loading up on Saturday morning there were a group of girls from our Youth Group helping with other projects, these two great teens came down and helped us with the sale for nearly the whole day.

Laura, bless her heart spent the whole day with me out in the chilly air selling.  Her husband Mike works with Habitat locally and also travels to NOLA with us each spring.

These little guys were just so cute and contented when they stopped by the booth.  I just had to take a picture of their darling little pumpkin hats.

This little guy sat there so patiently waiting for a bite of his daddy's apple dumpling.

It was a great event and what little we had left from Saturday we sold at church yesterday morning.  Even in this slow economy people are still so generous with time and money when it comes to helping others.  No time to the end of the month we have our silent auction and NOLA luncheon at church to raise additional funds.


  1. Char,
    Did you use all your apple pix fixins that you had prepared? Hope you were able to save some for yourself:)

  2. It looks like you had a beautiful day for the sale. Love the photo of the dog sitting with his friend waiting for a bite.

  3. I went to a harvest festival this weekend in NJ. I got a lot of baked goods and a homemade afghan.

  4. Looks like a perfect Fall day! Your pictures are great...especially those two little pumpkin heads and the one of the dog at the table...HILARIOUS!


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