Saturday, July 23, 2011

Helping Hand

One of the promises I made to myself when I retired was to do more community work.  I've been blessed in my life and need to pass some of those blessings on.  I just didn't plan to do it in the middle of a heatwave but off to the Habitat site I was early yesterday morning.

The boom truck didn't show on time so these are some of the volunteers from my church getting ready to hoist up the first roof truss by hand.  This was a small one story home so that really wasn't that hard.

And success was ours, after this first end truss was up the rest were pieces of cake to get up there.  We had a cool front come through for a few hours in the morning so the skies were overcast and the temps dropped down so we could work without passing out.

The dude in the shorts and blue shirt was a local building inspector, the new homeowner who was working on the project yesterday was standing to his right, she seemed very apprehensive that he was not coming with good new but he actually was just stopping by to see  how the project was progressing.

The new homeowner is a sweetie, she and her husband have three children, 2,4, and 6 that sleep in the only bedroom in their current apartment.  She and her husband sleep on a pullout sofa in the living room.  Although this home is small it at least has three bedrooms.  I'm sure they'll be thrilled once they move in.

This is the Habitat home that is next door to the one we were working on.  Its nearly finished and I'm sure the family is excited to move in before school starts.  

It was a good day for me, its nice to give something back.


  1. It's wonderful that you give your time to help others.

  2. Good for you for giving of your time, talent, and effort! Doesn't it give you a sense of satisfaction that everyone's efforts help those in need? :-)
    ~ Sue

  3. God bless you Char for the good that you do! I'm in awe of anyone who could work outside in this heat, especially when you've not been accustomed to it. BRAVO to you & the whole work crew!


    p.s. Yes, I do hope Ms. C. remembers all the pretty sewing I do for her. I understand her Mom is saving all the dresses in a special truck for her to be able to hand down to her grandchildren someday.

  4. it looks like a dear little cottage and I know the new owners are thrilled and the newest house is coming right along. You are so dear for making a dream come true for that family. xo

  5. Good for you!!! I think most volunteers receive much more gifts than the ones they are volunteering for. I have to tell you I love that screen you redid also. The fabric is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and I hope you have a wonderful week :)

  6. Thanks for sharing and bless you for the work you do.
    HFH is an awesome charity. Hugs, Ginger :)

  7. I can certainly vouch for the fact that you do more than your fair share. Hugs.

  8. I love Habitat for Humanity. I lived in Central American for 14 years and helped with several houses. They have some of the best people on staff too: godly, caring and fun.


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