Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 4th. of July Tablescape

My kids and hubby will be gone for the 4th. so I plan to spend the day at my brother's floating in the pool.  Not a bad way to spend a day. I hope to have my brother and mom back for dinner in the evening and the table will be set for a festive day for just the three of us on the porch.

I had made the tablecloth earlier this week and added the vintage flag garland along with the fern and flag holders.

This morning I started pulling out dishes to see where the items that were in place were going to take me.  I think I'm on a journey somewhere along the colonial times with dashes of poetic license as some of this certainly wouldn't have been present, so here is my taken on the 4th. of July 2011.  Since all of my pewter charters, mugs, plates, etc. were sold many years ago I decided to use silver to give the table just a touch of elegance with it's otherwise humble setting.  All the transferware has been gifted to me by my friend Sheila, I'm still working on finding more pieces to add to the collection.

I combined a red and white napkin in hopes that it might resemble a firecracker .  They are just balanced on the back of each chair.

I mixed both round and oval plates and silver platters for my place settings.

Pistol grip flatware was used to compliment the colonial thoughts that were rolling around in my ADD head.

I had picked up these crystal goblets at a local antique store a few weeks back and I like the look of them with the transfer ware.

Some fresh strawberries were added to the table along with berry bowls.

This sketch is from Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  I love visiting there and touring all the gardens.  Strawberry Banke Museum

God Bless America 


  1. OOh you are making me say why didn't I use my transferware.. Yours is gorgeous! I love the firecrackers. I love the flag holders.. Oh gosh they are so wonderful. What a great tablecloth you made! Happy Fourth, don't float away. Many blessings, marlis

  2. Char,
    Lovely use of pewter and silver with your red, white and blue. When we resided on the East Coast, I fell in love with Ethan Allen furniture and the Pennsylvania Dutch Colonial decor. Being a new bride to a beginning career military man, I simply couldn't afford any of it. The look still makes my heart swoon! Thank you for showcasing this historic look for the upcoming Fourth of July!!!

  3. Looks Fabulous. Love the transferware. Have a great 4th!!

  4. Lovely patriotic table. The transferware with silver chargers looks like they were made for each other.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Your table is so pretty! Love the chargers and now neat to balance the napkin rings on the chair, Happy 4th:@)

  6. Char, This is a beautiful patriotic table. Love the tablecloth you made and the transferware is gorgeous. Thank you for joining my party and I hope you have a wonderful 4th with your brother.

  7. Truly Colonial look & feel to this table, Char! I love the asparagus fern you used for your centerpiece & the flag holders are wonderful. Cute "firecracker" idea, too.

    I bought a HUGE dropcloth yesterday & just as soon as I finish sewing Ms. Caroline R/W/B pettiskirt for Sunday, I'm going to work on a tablecloth. Thanks for the links & information.

    Happy 4th

    p.s. never heard of Strawberry Banke Museum. I learn SO much from blogging!!!!

  8. Hi Char, We have visited Strawbery Banke and really enjoyed it! It was several years ago,and they were having a program with the American Girl doll Molly, who was a girl from WWII era. We toured the buildings and did everything a girl of 1942 would do--including sitting in the bomb shelter and collecting scrap metal. It is a wonderful museum. Your transferware is a great choice for the patriotic table. Enjoy the pool! Linda

  9. Very patriotic but also romantic and elegant. You did a great job on the tablecloth, you insired me to make one for next year.

  10. Miss Char, Oh my! Your patriotic tablescape really speakes to me. I love decor with a colonial flavor and I LOVE silver, transferware and pewter. I'm your newest follower and now going back to look at how you made that great tablecloth. Have a happy 4th and thanks for visiting my blog with such sweet comments.

  11. I think it's been fun to watch this table unfold this week. The tablecloth and then runner and accessories set the stage just perfectly, and then the setting just finished it off.

    And I love how you have the napkin against the chair.

    A great one, Char.

  12. Very beautiful. Love transferware. Everything looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  13. Char, I am pouting because I want to be sitting at this table AND I want that pistol grip silverware. You have done a fantastic job of capturing America at the table.

    Just simple lovely....sigh.....


  14. Hello Miss Char,
    Thanks for visiting our blog and leaving your comment. Now I'm here to visit you. Your patriotic tablescape is so festive. I love your red transferware. And the napkins do resemble firecrackers! Have a great holiday and please come back to visit soon.
    Take care, Jane

  15. Happy July 4th! Today we're celebrating Canada Day.

    Your setting is wonderful. I love the transfer ware and I love your charger plates!

  16. I think that the governor in Williamsburg would have used red transferware on silver...just like you did! I love your interpretation of the red white and blue! Thank you for sharing your wonderful design. Cherry Kay

  17. I like how you have used both round and oval settings. It really adds a lot of interest. I also like how you have stacked some extra dishes to display the framed picture. Really cute idea!
    Your transferware makes for a lovely tablescape.

  18. thats a nice table setting
    nice how you used everything to fit the theme
    love it!

  19. LOVE IT!
    nice how you set everything to the theme and made everything coloniall style :3

  20. I just ran into this great tablescape for the 4th. of July and got so inspired to use my red transferware, which I never thought would look so great! I'm originally from NY so my mom always had Ethan Allen furniture and I still love the style. Thanks for sharing your Patriotic table setting and lovely decor. I'm gonna follow you and hope you like to come over too.


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