Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pink Saturday

In 2004 three of my best travel buddies and myself visited Butchart Gardens in Victoria.  It was an amazing trip, today I'm sharing a few pink pictures that I took while we were there.  Mr. Hubby and I will be headed to Victoria in June and I can't wait.

Happy Pink Saturday
 Beverly's Pink Saturday


  1. Isn't it the most beautiful and enchanting place? We were blessed to visit there too and would love to go back.
    Thanks for sharing and happy pink Saturday !

  2. Beautiful..Happy Pink Saturday.Love the pink bike!

  3. So beautiful place!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. I was there a couple of years ago. The gardens were the destination of my trip coming from Houston. I've never seen such a verdant green anywhere on earth. So beautiful. So unforgetable. I know how much you loved being there. HPS, xx's

  5. What a heavenly garden. You are truly blessed to have such enchantment around the corner.

  6. I can see why you enjoyed that visit. The greenery and flowers are so pretty and pink.

  7. Oh my! The gardens are gorgeous. Isn't spring wonderful? All of the bright color makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing this lovely place with us. Have a great weekend! Terri

  8. These gardens are so beautiful. It's amazing what one women can do. I wish I can keep one plant alive!

  9. Wow! These photos look like something out of a fairytale. Aren't you lucky to get to go back??

  10. What a gorgeous place. I would love to be able to visit.

    Happy Pink Saturday.


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