Monday, March 07, 2011

My Last Winter Table

The temperatures here are still in the teens but I have decided that this single tablescape is my very last winter setting.  I leave for New Orleans in a couple of weeks and fully expect the snow to be gone from our yard when I return.  If it is not I will stubbornly wait it out until it at last yields to spring.

The dishes I'm using today I purchased at the Crate & Barrel outlet in the burbs of Chicago.  I paid pennies on the dollar for these in their bottom of the barrel discount area and regret that I didn't buy more than four place settings. There is a salad plate that goes with the set that I'm not using today.  Instead I'm using a salad plate from my Queen's rooster pattern set just the rim showing which is more decorative than the matching salad plate.

I have a small folding table set in front of our living room fireplace for a quick soup supper before I leave for a meeting at church.  I love this table; it will accommodate two people in a pinch and folds in the middle for storage. Similar to the TV trays of the 50's and 60's but rather than folding to one side it pulls up in the middle.  I found it at a local antique shop and although I can't remember the exact price I think it might have been in the $30 range.

The wire cloche came from our local floral wholesaler, I no longer have a wholesale license to get into the warehouse but fortunately my friend Kathy does and she is very generous in taking me out there for a little "winter therapy" shopping.  I may have to go back and get the next size larger to go with this one. 

 The little bird at the top of this wire cloche is just precious; the small cement bird perched on the feathered nest print are both purchases that I brought home from Nell Hills on my last trip to Kansas City. I love cement pieces both large and small.

The touch of lime green in the nest with the black and white of the table setting is a great addition.  I didn't have any lime green napkins but I will fix that little shortage soon. 

The silver spoon is just a random pick from the same antique store as the table came from, I like the design and I'm not above buying single pieces if I find something I like. 

 The napkin is from GW and the cute napkin ring which is silver and mimics the pattern of the dishes is part of a set that a good friend gave me for Christmas years ago.

While I wait for spring to arrive
I'm happy to join


  1. Love all you showed today but the napkin rings are really my favorite. So unusual. You did a beautiful table setting today.

  2. Very pretty! Love the dishes and the wire cloche is so fun-enjoy:@)

  3. I love the wire cloche and that is a very cozy setting.

  4. I certainly don't mind seeing another "winter" tablescape by the fire as we seem to be having an endless winter here! Love the black and white dishes and the beautiful eggs/nest in the cloche adds a "hint of spring"!


  5. Miss Char,
    Lovely tablescape!I adore black, white and green! One of my favorite color combinations! Those napkin rings have to be the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! I agree, you NEED the other wire cloche. . . the pair would be stunning on a larger tablescape, picnic table, sidebar. . you get the idea? Enjoy your well~deserved break from the snow and winter weather. I'll be waiting to see what inspirations you bring home with you!

  6. Oh Char, the dishes are grand! I love the design and that you mixed the Queen's in is a great touch. Your metal cloche is making me swoon! That cozy fire sets just the right ambiance. Thanks for dropping in with your kind comments.

  7. Very cute vignette, love the cloche and the birds.....Christine

  8. Love your pretty table for one.
    Especially love your napkin rings.
    xo bj

  9. What a lovely vignette! I adore the wire cloche.

    Have a wonderful Fat Tuesday!

  10. Very, very pretty. I am a bigh fan of black and white and this is so fresh, clean and dramatic. Love the wire cloche. Thank you for visiting me and leaving such a nice comment. Have a great day!

  11. Hi Char,

    What a wonderful table! Now turn around so I can kick you in the butt for not buying MORE of those darling dishes. Smack!!!

    You were correct that we were away to someplace warm. We just got home & I'm up to my eyeballs in unpacking, but I couldn't wait to reconnect with my blogging friends.

    I'll be back when I catch my breath.

  12. Char, I've said it before and I will say it again and again, you have such an EYE for things. I would love to be sitting at that beautiful table setting in front of the fire, its so classic and SO inviting. You also gave me a great idea for my folding tv trays that came from my grandparents home. They are in great shape, good quality, they just need freshining up and I think some black paint is just the thing !

    Keep up the good work my friend

  13. Char, I am loving this setting. What a deal you got on those dishes. I especially like having a pattern inside the bowl. They are sure cute...and I LOVE those napkin rings. Love 'em.

    Nice little table in front of a roaring fire.


  14. Love,love,love those napkin rings!! You always seem to have just the perfect little touch for each of your tablescapes.

  15. What a delightful blog! I am your newest follower. I also have wonderful projects in mind and all the equipment and materials carefully arranged. My Cricut is out of the box and on my project table. I don't anything about etching though.

    Your table is lovely. And I love the dishes. Thank you for stopping by.


  16. What a cozy table & setting! Love your wire cloche! Shopping at Nell Hill's is on my bucket list~ Hope your snow has disappeared when you return :-)

  17. I love this setting. everything about it..the warm fire, the cloche, the nest...those beautiful dishes..what a bargain!!!Looks like you paid a LOT more!

  18. Love your wire cloche with the little bird. In fact, the birds make this look like early spring...still a chill in the air, but on it's way to warmth!

  19. Beautiful place setting. Absolutely wonderful dishes!

  20. Very cosy tablescape. I love the bon appitit dishes and of course the birds and wire cloche with nest and napkin rings

  21. Char, I love your table and its black/white dishes. Classic and what a bargain and those napkin rings are the cutest things I've ever seen!! Oh yes, you definitely need another fun wire cloche-
    Thanks for coming by with your sweet comment. You never fail to be a faithful follower. :-) Sue

  22. OK, yes....I am going to scold you for not buying more than 4 place settings! Those dishes are SO great!!! You should have just told them to load the whole barrel up in your car and send you the bill!!! I hear that Chicago has some of the greatest shopping, but I have surprisingly never been there. Many friends go on weekend junkets (the plane fare from Kansas City is nominal), but I've never tagged along. If I can find bargains that look that great, I need to get my hips on out to the airport toot sweet! :-) Have a great weekend, and I hope the snow and frigid temps are long gone by the time you return!

  23. You have set a really pretty table, Miss the border of the rooster plate.
    Your bird topped metal cloche is so eyecatching with it's unique shape.

  24. Wonderful elements included in your tablescape...I'd want a pair of each size of the wonderful wire good looking! Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  25. Sitting in front of a fire enjoying soup with this pretty table setting sounds like pure pleasure.

  26. Thank you for your lovely compliment.. It means a lot coming from you.. you have such wonderful taste. I love your table setting. The birds with the green say spring is about to arrive. I think the wire cloche it great.


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