Friday, January 14, 2011

Pretty in Pink

This is a shot from a party I did last year called Pretty In Pink.  Tulips are my favorite and I love pink the most of all.

Join me for  Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound


  1. They are just gorgeous....are those cupcakes I

  2. Beautiful pic, love tulips especially at this time of year:@)

  3. I just love tulips too and those cupcakes look pretty fabulous in the background! I love to buy some at Costco when they have them - they make me feel like Spring will come and they last so long. Perfect Pink Saturday!

  4. Awesome. Love pink and in tulips they are so great. tulips don't do well here which makes one love them even more. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful arrangement.
    Hugs, Ginger

  5. HAPPY PS! Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment!
    Hugs- Tete

  6. I love tulips, too! I just may have to treat myself to some soon if I see them in the florist section of the grocery store.

    Surrounding your cupcakes with shredded paper is a cute idea!!

  7. Hi! Nice to meet you!

    what a fantastc pink flower!
    you have cute blog!
    Happy Pink Saturday

  8. I also love tulips and we will be seeing them in the gardens pretty soon. Lovely photo. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  9. Love pink! LOVE tulips ... LOVE that spring is around the corner!

    Have a lovely PS weekend !
    TTFN ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  10. What pretty tulips Char. How they must brighten up your home in the middle of winter. A breath of spring come early :)

  11. Won't be long now and we will be seeing pink tulips in bloom but before that I may just have to bring some home from the florist. :) Happy Pink Saturday.


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