Monday, January 24, 2011

Around the Yard

Thought I would try out my one of my Christmas presents....a new camera from my kids.  I haven't had the time to read the instructions yet so I'm just on point and click for now.  It is bitterly cold here right and the sky is gray but the quiet of the snow falling is so peaceful and calming that for the few minutes I was out trying to capture a couple of shots in the yard I really didn't feel the skin on my face freezing.

This old galvanized bucket was sitting in the garage so I painted it black and painted the house numbers on it.  In the summer its filled with geraniums and ferns and in the winter with greens and snow.  I see that the post will have to be repaired come spring as the weight of the frozen dirt has pulled it south.

This little birdbath in the back yard reminds me of a angle food cake with the snow swirling on both levels.  This is a little memorial that was given to us by dear friends when Mr. Hubby's mama passed away a few years ago.  I know she loves looking down at it filled with birds in the summer enjoying a little bath and then in winter as a beautiful testimonial to the season's of life.

This is an ice sculpture on the front step.  I plan to do a post on this for later this week.  I've had the form for years and make several of these every winter.  They look beautiful during the holidays with a candle flickering inside the ice.  Hopefully I can figure out how to take a better picture of this so you can see how pretty and unique they are.

I hope that wherever you live that you are warm and content today.


  1. Hi Char- I really like the bucket you painted! I should be looking for one on my forays. Filled up w/all sorts of pretties for the season, it will make me happy. :-) You're right- that DOES look kinda like an angel food cake. I can eat that! Low in calories... Have fun w/your new camera. I've yet to stop in to buy mine. I've been too busy to even post much. LOL Much less take pics. Hope you're staying warm. We've hit a warm-up- it's 19º right now.
    ~ Sue

  2. What a cute idea with the bucket and I love your angel food cake birdbath. Such a sweet tribute.

  3. What a cute idea with the bucket and I love your angel food cake birdbath. Such a sweet tribute.

  4. The bucket with your house number is such a cute idea. I have had my camera for two years and I almost always have it set on auto!

  5. It just makes me cold looking at those photos! I do love your bucket and your "snow cake". Can't wait to see what you do with that new camera!

  6. Hi Char, My back yard looks like your back yard! :) I too LOVE your bucket. I have an old bucket and guess what I plan to do with it when the weather warms up? Paint it black and put some numbers on it!! Very fun.

    I am terrible with my new camera. The more I mess with it, the worse the pictures turn out. Maybe it's best for us "seniors" to just point and shoot. LOL!

    Stay warm, Friend.

  7. The bucket is a really cute idea. It looks cold!!!!....Christine

  8. Brrrr....I know it's cold, but for this southerner, that snow sure is pretty.


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