Monday, December 27, 2010

Anything Goes Tuesday

Well as I told Marty I really couldn't think of much of anything that I could pull together for a vignette for Tabletop Tuesday in green as she had requested but darn if I didn't find a couple of things as I was starting to de-Christmas the living room. I realize now that I look at the pictures you really can't tell that the plate is shaped like a Christmas ornament, the gold hangy thing really doesn't show because of the way I positioned the pine and learn I guess.  Eventually my photo skills will improve, I guess that is a good New Years resolution for me.

The birds I picked up at Hobby Lobby at 75% off.  I'll use them in a tablescape soon

The GREEN Christmas ornament plate was one of a pair I picked up recently to use to hold treats as gifts.

The pine cones are coated with a green felt type coating.
I'm glad to join Marty @  Anything Goes Tabletop Tuesday


  1. Love those birds, so colorful and they'll go with any season. I'm about to de-Christmas my house tomorrow. It just doesn't feel the same to me after Christmas is over.
    Thanks so much for visiting with me and your comments.
    Happy New Year to you.

  2. Hello! Thank you for stopping by A Delightsome Life - Love your lighthouse in the header! Breathtaking - I love your tabletop decorations - The birds are beautiful and the greenery complements it wonderfully,

  3. Now how did I miss those wonderful birds at Hobby Lobby? Those would look great for my game dinner. Thank you fir sharing your charming design and for stopping by my post. Happy New Year! Cherry Kay

  4. What fabulous treasures. I love the birds and the plate. Both can be used all year, just put some fabulous goodies on the plate and it will work year round. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  5. That's a really pretty vignette! I can see those pine cones being put to all kinds of use! You got a great deal. :)

    Merry Christmas!



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