Thursday, November 04, 2010

Breakfast Egg Dish/No Bread

I have issues with food texture sometimes and most baked egg dishes call for bread as part of the recipe which is something I don't care for. I love this recipe because it doesn't have bread in it. As with many other baked egg dishes this dish is best made the day before its to be served and then just popped in the oven about an hour before you plan to eat. It serves six to eight depending on what other sides you are serving and for an egg dish it actually reheats pretty well .

I served this dish for our family baking luncheon along with fresh fruit, mini pumpkin breads and juice. We baked scones after lunch which was a fun family time.   Family Baking Day

You’ll need:

18 eggs scrambled with a quarter cup of water or milk, whichever you prefer
lb. bacon cooked and crumbled
8 oz. fresh mushrooms chopped
Green pepper, red pepper, onion to taste (I use about 1/2 cup each)
12 oz. grated cheddar cheese
1 can cream of mushroom soup, or any other cream soup you like
2/3 cup half and half

Grease a 9/13 baking pan
Sweat the onions, peppers and mushrooms in a large pan with a little butter or some of the bacon grease. Add eggs and cook until nearly set then add crumbled bacon and finish cooking eggs. Pour egg mixture into 9/13 pan prepared pan.

Sprinkle shredded cheese over eggs.
Mix cream of mushroom soup and half and half and pour over eggs and cheese. Cover with foil and place in refrigerator overnight. Bake uncovered @ 350 for 50 minutes or until bubbly. Let stand for a few minutes to set before serving.

Check Out Foodie Friday for some fabulous recipes


  1. I love me some eggs and know that I would have made a serious dent in this dish had a been anywhere near it. It sounds delicious!

  2. This sounds delicious and a dish that my family would like. Off to c&p.

  3. That looks delicious, Miss Char. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe!
    Blessings, Beth

  4. This is one of those dishes that I have never heard of, but now need to try as soon as possible. It is so up our alley!

  5. That sounds so interesting, especially using the can cream of mushroom soup. Great idea!

    Best wishes,

  6. Please wish your DH a belated "Happy Birthday" from me? I'm glad you were able to celebrate it with the kids. Such fun memories in the making.

    Funny about the blueberry farm in Ohio. The property my parents owned & then left to my sister used to be a fruit farm. Thus, all the wonderful old trees & bushes & grape arbor. I envy her all the space but not the work that goes into maintaining it. Keeps her young, though!!!

  7. I'm with you on the egg/bread thing...blech. This recipe sounds scrumptious though.

  8. I love egg dishes too, and prefer not to have the bread. This looks like a fabulous recipe! Thank you for posting it


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