Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

It's Black you know where your bargains are?  At this stage in my life I guess there just isn't anything I need badly enough to get up at three in the morning and fight my way through the mass of humanity to get a discounted anything.  Now if antique shops filled with dishes had a 3:00a.m. shoppers special I might have to give that some thought.  There was however something I wanted this year, still not bad enough to get off my turkey laden butt to go get but since my niece loves to do the Black Friday thing she offered to brave the shoppers at WalMart and pick up a Cricut for me at a pretty significant discount.  Bless her heart I assume she is sleeping right now and hopefully was successful at procuring my little 2010 treasure for me.

I'm getting ready to head out and pick up a few dozen donuts and take down to our local Veterans Home this morning.  I know there won't be any crazed shoppers there and then I'll be back at home by noon to start working on trimming the tree which I'm sure many of you will be doing today too.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you're out there in the Black Friday trenches watch for flying elbow shots when trying to pick up the 56" TV for Uncle Chuckie.


  1. Hi Miss Char, I don't do the Black Friday thing either, except online! I just read your post on removing the white spot from the table. I have heard of that but was reluctant to try it on my kitchen table for fear I would do more damage--but I will definitely try it tomorrow now! And your Nell Hill pics are so inspiring! I have been wanting to go there ever since I discovered her earlier this year! And I live in Connecticut! Maybe we'll plan a trip! Have a great weekend. Linda

  2. No Black Friday early morning shopping for me, except tonight #2 son and I went to Michael's to pick up an artificial tree...our first! This year just seems to be the best for us! I can just imagine you if there was a 3 a.m. dishes sale!!! :D


  3. Congratulations of your Cricut! My cousin arrived at Home Depot and got a tree for a fantastic price. I'm just not willing to get up that early and fight the crowds.

  4. Hello Miss Char, like you there wasn't anything I needed badly enough to get out at the crack of dawn. I hope you and yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving. hugs ~lynne~

  5. Well Char, you have a good point. The only thing that would have gotten me out of bed at 3 am would have been a great sale on dishes at an antique or thrift store! I didn't see any of those advertised, did you? ;)


  6. I'm with you - I just stayed home and watched it all on tv!


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