Monday, October 04, 2010

Beef Paprika

This is one of my favorite fall dinners, its a two pot wonder, its flavorful and hits the spot on a cool fall evening.  This recipe came to me in 1971 when I was a new bride.  It was from one of those Betty Crocker Recipe library recipe card clubs called Entertaining on a Shoestring.  At that time in our lives Mr. Hubby and I were definitely cooking on a shoestring. My copy of the recipe card is torn and stained but I still pull it out several times during the winter as a crowd pleasure.  I'm sure this could be adapted to a crock pot.

The recipe is as follows:

1/4 cup shortening, canola oil, olive oil, whatever you prefer
2 pounds beef stew meat
1 large sweet onion, I use an additional half large, sliced
1 small clove garlic minced
3/4 cup ketchup
2 tbs. Worcestershire Sauce
1 tbs. brown sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 tsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
Dash of cayenne pepper
1 1/2 cup water
2 tbs. flour mixed in 1/2 cup water to make a thickener
One package of NoYoke noodles.  You can actually use any type of wide noodle you prefer

Melt shortening in large dutch oven.  Add meat, onion and garlic and cook until meat is browned.  Stir in the ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, paprika, mustard, cayenne, salt and pepper and water.  Cover and simmer on a low temp. for 2 to 3 hours until meat is fork tender.

Blend the flour/water mixture into the meat mix until it begins to thicken.  This will take a little higher temperature to thicken the flour mixture.

Serve over cooked noodles, I actually just mix it all together and serve on a large platter.  This is great with a tossed salad and a nice dinner roll.  Serves 6 to 8 people.  Reheats nicely.

The picture I took shows the meat mixture on top of the pasta as the recipe indicates, personally I just mix it together in one serving platter.  It will taste delicious either way.


  1. As often as I've heard of this, I've never made it. I'll have to do it this year! At my house, we'd likely serve it over looks yummy.

  2. Gosh, does this sound good!!
    I have copied the recipe & will try it very, very soon. It is similar to a James Beard recipe that I had & foolishly loaned out my cookbook to a former sis-in-law. Never saw it again. :/


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