Friday, August 18, 2006

Well after spending the weekend in Chicago with the kids I headed back north toward Milwaukee. Made a stop in Pleasant Prairie at the outlets and of course had to run out to the Jelly Belly distribution center. Its summer time and the place was filled with little rug rats all on a sugar high. I dodged several little ones who were having a meltdown and made my way to the back of the store where they have boxes and boxes of what are called "BELLY FLOPS". These are the poor disfigured jelly bellies who can't make it past those nasty quality control people. You can get four bags of assorted belly flops for $10. a real bargain for anyone who has priced jelly bellies lately. Since I wasn't able to get hotel space for my meetings at our usual hotel in Milwaukee I decided to hold the meetings out in Delafield. Its a wonderful little town and home of the Lang Company. I know y'all know the Lang Company, you might not realize it but if you've ever been in a gift store anywhere in the U.S. you've probably seen a Lang calendar, box set, gift cards, candles, and anything else they can think of. Well Bob Lang has taken this sleepy little Wisconsin town and turned it into a quaint little sleepy town. All the new buildings are beautiful and look like they've been there forever. There are some cute little shops but I must admit not as many as there were a few years ago. Just up the hill from the little downtown area is a small Military Academy. Its the oldest in the state of Wisconsin and just a nice little place to take an evening walk in. Another day I'll talk about how I came to know Bob Lang and his sleepy little town.

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