Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Yup, I'm gonna start with a regret. I've had some pretty great experiences in my travels. None of them exceptional to the world of travel today but still I've seen and done more than the average Joe. My regret is that I haven't kept a journal all these years to record all the hysterical experiences I've had that have now melted from my memory. You see I have this "list", its the list of things to do before I die. I know lots of people feel that they have a list too but I really do have one and I try to experience the simple pleasure of life everywhere I travel. There is no particular agenda when I'm traveling, I'm not the Rachel Ray type who is looking for the great food for a few bucks, nor am I the Robin Leach searching for lifestyles of the rich and famous, I'm just trying to see it all before my traveling days are up. I have a group of girls that I've traveled with for nearly 30 years. Lots of stories there that I'll share with you from time to time. All the girls know about my "list" and my friend Joan has said to me "when you get closed to the end of your list let me know, because if you're getting ready to die and it happens on a trip I want to make sure that your time isn't my time!

1 comment:

  1. Hot Dog! You're up and running :)

    Love the Title & I can't wait to read all about your travels :)


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